Getting Started with ASP.NET Identity


In this section, i will show you how to get started with ASP.NET Identity. Both in a new project and in an existing project.

New project

1- Go to File > New > Project in order to create a new ASP.NET MVC project.

create a new project

2- Select ASP.NET Web Application and enter a name for the project.

select ASP.NET Web Application

3- Check the MVC checkbox.

check MVC checkbox

4- In order to implement ASP.NET Identity by default in this new project, click the Change Authentication button and choose the Individual User Accounts option.

Individual User Accounts

By following these steps, Visual Studio will automatically include all files needed to use ASP.NET Identity features in your project. Visual Studio will also provide a project template that will make it easier for you to get started with this membership system.

project template

  • IdentityConfig.cs is primarily used to configure the user manager and the sign-in manager of the application.
  • Startup.Auth.cs is used to configure authentication.
  • IdentityModels.cs is used to customize user profile.
  • Startup.cs contains the Startup class which is the entry point of the application.

Existing project

ASP.NET Identity is available as a NuGet package, so we will use NuGet Package Manager in order to implement it in an existing project.

1- Go to Tools > NuGet Package Manager and select the Manage NuGet Packages for Solution option.

Manage NuGet Packages for Solution

2- In the Browse tab, search for the Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework package.

search for the Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework package

3- Check your project and click the Install button.

install the Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework package

The Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework package will also install the dependency packages : Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core and EntityFramework.

4- Click the OK button.

installing the dependency packages

5- Accept the licence terms by clicking the I Accept button.

Accepting the licence terms

6- Search for and install the Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin package and the Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb package by following the same above steps.

7- Download the following files :

8- Copy and paste the above files in their respective folders.

Note : Make sure to change the AspNetIdentityApp namespace in the files with your own project namespace.